2017. március 29., szerda

DIY: tojásválogatás a hagyományoktól napjainkig

Hamarosan itt a húsvét! :) Még nem döntöttem el, hogy idén milyen tojást fogok festeni. A pinteresten rengeteg kreatív tojást lehet találni.

A kedvenceim a természetes anyagokkal festett tojások.
Itt egy kis útmutató, hogy melyik színt milyen növénnyel lehet elérni:

Such a great resource for dyeing Easter eggs naturally with real food ingredients you may already have in your kitchen!:
The Prettiest Way to Decorate Your Easter Eggs is Also Super Easy | At Home - Yahoo Shine:
Dyeing Easter Eggs the Natural Way from Whole Foods Market:
homemade natural dye, naturally dyed, Easter eggs:
Blueberry-dyed Easter eggs.                                                                                                                                                                                 More:
Botanical Eggs_ShannonVonEschen 45  Botanical Imprints - A Natural Dye Easter Egg Tutorial Botanical Eggs ShannonVonEschen 45:

Másik kedvenc a natúr tojások (ezeket nagyon egyszerű megcsinálni):

Find out the simple and stunning trick to creating these no-dye Easter eggs!:
Click to close image, click and drag to move. Use arrow keys for next and previous.:

A hagyományos díszített tojásokból is hoztam párat:

European Design | Folk Art | Easter Eggs | Holiday Crafts | Hand Painted | DIY Decor:
Pysanky - Ukrainian Easter Eggs:
Pysanka art , Ukraine, from Iryna HRM: I have two wooden sets given to me by my Ukrainian aunt. So admire this art.:
Wow. I believe the technique is to leave the wax on, unlike pysanka which is more like batik. But the detail is stunning., Ukraine,:
Easter Eggs:
These are Pisanki, or Polish easter eggs, - sometimes made from wood, but often actual eggs - hand painted.:

Trendi tojások:
♥ decorated Easter Eggs in black and white. how fun!:
Easter Eggs with Gold Lettering #eastereggs #calligraphy:
Color block Easter Eggs!:
DIY To Try: Easter Egg Art | theglitterguide.com:
We hope everyone had a safe and happy easter... now we are looking forward to the orthodox easter! double eggs, double trouble, perfect hair, envious friends and family.:
Learn how to Make Hand Lettered and Watercolor Easter Eggs for a unique take on this fun craft. It's so easy, you can create these with the kids, too!:
6 Simple, Last Minute Easter Crafts |:
Blog post at Little Inspiration : We are just a month away from easter, can you believe it? I love decorating eggs with my kiddos and this year, I have a few fresh ideas to d[..]:
Bunny Easter Egg DIY:
monochrom and rose gold easter egg diy:
Blog post at Little Inspiration : Are you on the unicorn trend yet? Those unicorn cakes, unicorn cupcakes, unicorn hair and unicorn hairbrushes just makes me happy! So now we[..]:
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