2017. április 4., kedd

DIY: húsvéti dekor

A héten elkezdem a lakás dekorálását :) Alul a tavalyi általam fűrészelt/festett nyuszik láthatóak, épp száradás közben. Kettőt megtartottam, ők már kint ülnek az egyik köynvespolcon a nappaliban <3

Megmutatom a kedvenc dekorálási ötleteimet:

Költség és időhatékony ötletek:
Piccolo Studio - Bunny garland (black, white & gold):
Handgemachte Card Easter Bunny Card Ostern Kaninchen Card Ostern Osterhase. happy Easter-Card. Hase-Karte. Karten für Ostern.:
Black & White Minimal Easter Egg Bunnies via Ebabee http://petitandsmall.com/5-adorable-easter-crafts/:
DIY Easter decorating ideas:
Hey, I found this really awesome Etsy listing at https://www.etsy.com/listing/266575687/easter-wine-labels-easter-table:
Good Morning Friends! I don't know about you but I feel like after the Holidays, I never put a wreath back out on my front door.. Where we live, there is ju:
Make an Easter Garden with your family as a way to focus your hearts on the true reason we celebrate Easter!:
I've just found Wooden Rabbit Play Cubes. Bespoke, handmade wooden Play Cubes with Rabbits and spots.. £5.00:

Kicsit több időt és pénzt igényelnek:
Easter bunny burlap door hanger: Easter Bunny Treat Bags sewn by Probaly Actually with pattern from Mer Mag:
Felt Bunny Garland Easter Craft:
Easter Sampler&Happy Easter Pinkeep - Primitive cross stitch design by SubRosa  Digital pattern (sent by email)  Stitch count: 112 X 135 / 87 x:

És végül a kedvenceim, azaz sárgarépa vázában ;)

Vegetable-flower centerpieces in this food inspired wedding | Photo by Rose Street Studio:
Love this idea for an Easter Centerpiece made with carrots and greenery:
theme | holidays - easter carrot centerpiece:
Carrots aren't just finger food — place the veggies in a clear vase along with white flowers for an extra pop of color. Get the tutorial from Alicia Hutchinson »:
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